In der Ausgabe:
in brief
Texting while Walking
A Little Birdie Told Me
George’s short and tall tales
That Takes the Biscuit
Ringing the changes- Gemany's Relationships with the Mobile Phone
Supermarket Wars: the Battle to Fill Britain’s Fridges
Cuba: The Curio of the Caribbean
Showdown in Cyberspace: Google and the European Union
cover story
San Francisco and Silicon Valley: Still the Best for Business
business profile
General Electric – Living the American Dream
business woman
Ellen Kullman: Scientifically Proven
business trends
Tel Aviv – the City of Start-ups
Company with a Social Conscience
Economic War Between Russiaand the West
Wise Tips for Newly-weds
managing people
Guru Review: John Kotter
How to Build a Culture of Creativity
Danish Delights
The Death Knell of the Dumb Watch?
Short-lived Technologies
business language
Business Dialogues – Everyday Workplace Conversations – Problem-solving
Language Test
influential people
book & film reviews
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